Field Trip!!! At the Center for Cartoon Studies last week, I poked around their comics library and found this totally charming minicomic, Mangy Mutt Comics! by Dan Rinylo. The visuals are so crisp, the humor is right on, and this minicomic does total justice to the newspaper aesthetic it evokes! Check it out!
- cover
- full cover
- big comic pages!
- detail
In the Minicomic Minute, I look at all of the wonderful books that are being made in the indie comic self-publishing scene. In my opinion, we are really in a golden age of book making. The quality of books coming from self publishers is breathtaking! While there are many fine reviewers out there that look at content (I’ll be the first to say that content is king), I’m going to focus on the actual fabrication of these wonderful tomes. How are the books made? What simple decisions are self-publishers making to turn a good book into an AMAZING book? We’ll see! A new review every Monday!