Minicomic Minute: Addicted to Bumpers
Let’s talk about a minicomic about cereal while also discussing cognitive proportion preferences.
Let’s talk about a minicomic about cereal while also discussing cognitive proportion preferences.
A look at two books from Stephanie Mannheim’s series, Roxie, which combine simple components in interesting ways to create spectacularly engaging covers!
The clever binding of Rebecca Mir’s simple, beautiful book helps build its sense of surprise and novelty.
This great little book from Will Dinski has a double gatefold. What’s that? Check it out!
An amazing zine about glasses by Robyn Chapman, who leaves no stone unturned and no surface unconsidered in this book’s meticulous design.
A beautiful and simple risograph-printed book from cartoonist Kris Mukai. Also, a wonderful example on how to effectively use the opposite side of your one-sheet, eight-page book!
Dan Rinylo lets his animated characters frolic through this charming (and super funny) minicomic that invokes classic broadsheet newspaper strips in both its content and form.
A brilliant 4-color screen-printed wrap-around cover adds flair (and spine) to a captivating minicomic.
A simple, elegant anthology that gets a lot of oomph out of a few simple production techniques.
Andrea Kalfas’s fun sword-and-sorcery book has a gorgeous cover, screen-printed with stunning precision.